Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shaolin Soccer 少林足球 (2001)

Sing (Stephen Chow) is a master of Shaolin kung fu, whose goal in life is to promote the spiritual and practical benefits of the art to modern society. He experiments with various methods to inform the modern world about shaolin kung fu, some of which include comedic song and dance routines, but all bear no positive results. He then meets "Golden Leg" Fung (Ng Man Tat), a legendary Hong Kong soccer star in his days, whom is now lame owing to the treachery of a former teammate Hung, now a rich businessman.
Sing explains his desires to promote the modern uses of kung fu to Fung, who initially is unconvinced with Sing's idea and brushes off his pleas. When Fung realizes Sing has superior muscular power in his right foot, however, he offers his services to coach Sing in soccer. Sing is intrigued by the idea of promoting kung ku through popular sport and agrees to enlist his former Shaolin brothers to form a team under Fung's management....
阿星为了增加球队实力,令少林武功发扬光大,而去游说一班当年曾在少林寺习武的师兄弟,包括大师兄铁头功(黄一飞饰)、二师兄旋风地堂腿(莫美林饰)、三师兄金钟罩铁布衫(田启文饰)、四师兄鬼影擒拿手(陈国坤饰)、六师弟轻功水上飘(林子聪饰) 共同参赛。可惜各人因谋生而荒废武学,而且全无斗志,但为了一百万的奖金,大家都愿意参加。在首场的友谊赛中面对以暴戾闻名的霸王队,各人均被打至半死, 在千钧一发之际,阿星唤起了各人的潜在武功,在一瞬间各师兄弟重拾了本身之绝技,更将之融入了足球内,发挥出惊人威力。最后更令部分霸王队队员归顺,成为 了一队完整的“少林队”。

Directed by Stephen Chow  周星驰
Stephen Chow 周星驰
Zhao Wei 赵薇
Ng Man Tat 吴孟达

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