Friday, November 12, 2010

Little Big Soldier 大兵小将 (2010)

It was the darkest of times in China, when ruthless warlords waged battles to satiate their endless aggression. Millions of lives perished, and those who survived had only two choices - kill or be killed.
The battalions of warring states Liang and Wei collided in a bloodbath that lasted from dawn until dusk. Only two men were left standing - a foot soldier from Liang and the rival General from Wei. The Soldier survived because he is an expert in playing dead, with a device strapped on his body which protruded like an arrowhead for added realism.
The Soldier captured the wounded General, hoping to use the enemy as his ticket to freedom - by handing the General to the Liang warlord, the Soldier could be honorably discharged and return home to his peaceful life. The young General, though taken captive, was condescending towards the Soldier. The two men were often at loggerheads during the long and winding journey.
战国后期,各国统治者为了争夺霸权接连引发战争。梁国与卫国大 军经过一夜激战,双方几近全军覆没,仅余一名梁国小兵及卫国将军幸存。小兵装死得以存活,并计划将重伤的将军掳回梁国,希望能因此得到奖赏。小兵本是普通 农民,与父亲以及兄长都被迫加入军队,结果亲人先后阵亡,为此让小兵厌恶战争,期望借由俘虏卫国将军,脱离兵役,重返以往宁静的农耕生活。将军本身是卫国 王子,因为这次战败无颜回国面对父老,随小兵一同踏上前向梁国的漫长旅途。

Directed by Ding Sheng 丁晟
  • Jackie Chan 成龙
    Leehom Wang 王力宏

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