Gangsters Chiang and Mr. Chow meet at a VIP Club, and discuss fleeing to Vietnam. As soon as Chiang leaves, he meets one of the pirates and they laugh about sabotaging the Marine Police ships. In the course of the conversation, the pirate tells him that his boss, San-po (Dick Wei), wants 100 police rifles.
As they do not have enough ships, Dragon Ma and his squad are forced to become regular police officers. They have to undergo "hard training" with the police, under Captain Chi's nephew, Hong Tin-tsu (Yuen Biao). After the police learn that Chiang is at the VIP Club, and that the guests there are not to be disturbed, Dragon and Tin-tsu go to arrest Chiang, but a big fight breaks out. After tiring of the blatant corruption in the police force, Dragon drags Chiang out and tells Tin-tsu to take the credit. That is his last official act as an officer with the Hong Kong police.
香港开埠初期,海盗横行,在香港的海面,盗魁罗三炮与奸商周永龄互相勾结,深悉货运情报,因而无往不利,官府亦为之束手。水警沙展马如龙对官府政策非常不 满,愤而辞职,与卓一飞合谋对付海盗,卓一飞虽然武功高强,可惜他唯利是图,他与马如龙合作骗取军火,旨在从中图利。罗三炮势力庞大,马如龙和卓一飞二人 屡剿失利。马如龙心有不甘,重新加入水师警队,与上司洪天赐、卓一飞三人合力乔装闯入匪巢,终于将海盗一网打尽..
Directed by Jackie Chan 成龙
Starring Jackie Chan 成龙
Sammo Hung 洪金宝
Yuen Biao 元彪
Dick Wei 狄威
Lee Hoi San 李海生
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On recommendation of the Chief of Marine Force (Kwan Hoi-San), Dragon Ma is transferred to be in charge of the district of Sai Wan after the Superintendent, Chun, is thought to be staging his arrests. Chun, however, has excellent record and the "criminals" he has been engaging are shot and killed, so there is no evidence against him.
Dragon Ma and his subordinates later meet Yesan (Maggie Cheung) and her cousin, Carina (Carina Lau), at a teahouse selling flowers to raise funds. He later learn that Carina is actually a member of the Chinese revolutionaries headed by Dr Sun Yat-sen.
Dragon identifies himself as the new superintendent of Sai Wai Police Station, after realizing that all of his policemen except one has been taking bribes. Ho, the only upright policeman around, tells them that a gangster named Tiger Ow with gambling dens and other illegal businesses is the kingpin of the town....
内容描述清末的香港,治安混乱,有"镇三环"之称的帮办与歹徒狼狈为奸。马如龙被上级指派接掌西环,展开黑白两道的肃清工作。另一方面清廷派遣大内高手到 香港捉拿革命党员,而一群四肢发达,头脑简单的海盗则要伺机向马如龙报仇。三路人马互相冲突,彼此牵制,构成了一部娱乐性十足的好戏。
跟成龙以前纯粹偏重拳脚动作趣味的作品比较低起来,本片的剧情发展比较复杂和曲折,其中还有 “以古喻今”的政治宣言发表,反映成龙已逐渐留意到影片的内涵和深度, 是一个可喜的进步。这部续集虽然没有了上集的洪金宝和元彪合演,但有张曼玉、关之琳、刘嘉玲等美艳女星卖力演出,危险性甚高的武打动作场面,依旧令人感受 到目不暇接。成龙本人仍然维持一贯的搏命演出,打斗动作的设计紧凑刺激兼而有之。某些片段亦充份发挥了“处境喜剧”的惹笑效果。
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