Friday, November 12, 2010

Accident 意外 (2009)

Ta Nao (Louis Koo) is a professional murderer and whenever he wants to kill someone he will do it without being traced and ensure the death looks like real, coming from unlucky accident. Since he killed quite a number of human lives, there is a burden on him, and he constantly dreams of himself getting killed. Therefore, he is extremely careful while performing his job.
One day there is an unlucky accident which caused the death one of his own teammates and Ta Nao suspects insurance agent Chen Fang Zhou (Richie Ren) as the mastermind behind all of this. To save his own life, he decides to kill Chen before he makes his next move. Before killing him he approaches him and trying to become his friend first.
大脑 (古天乐 饰) 是职业暗杀者,擅于策划天衣无缝的暗杀布局,行凶手法能令目标人物葬身于意外之中,遇害者表面上死于非命,案情却是暗杀组成员一起策动的惊心杀人行动。然而,日复日的杀人行动,为大脑带来思绪压力,常梦见自己死于意外之中。故此,每次任务他越来越谨慎,为防意外降临自己身上。在一次进行任务时,突如其来遇上一个真正的交通事故,导致一名队友的死亡。
制造意外者遇上了意外,难分真假,事件更令当中一名队友身亡,故大脑认定意外是冲着自己而来,他更锁定一名可疑人物,就是当日身在事发现场的一名保险经纪--陈芳洲 (任贤齐饰),此人外表平凡,但大脑却怀疑他是一个比他更专业的意外制造者,大脑决定要将陈芳洲铲除。 

导演:郑保瑞 Pou-Soi Cheang
演员 : 古天乐 Louis Koo 任贤齐 Richie Ren 林 雪 Suet Lam

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