Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Chinese Odyssey 西遊記第之月光寶盒 & 仙履奇緣 1994

A Chinese Odyssey 1:Pandora's Box 西遊記第101回之月光寶盒 1994

The film begins with a prologue in which the Monkey King is punished by the Bodhisattva Kuan-yin for attempting to betray his master, the Longevity Monk, whom he found too annoying. The Bodhisattva Kuan-yin stops him and is about to imprison him forever; Tripitaka, however, says he is partly responsible for Monkey’s actions, and sacrifices himself in order to give Monkey a chance for redemption. Monkey is imprisoned for 500 years.

Director导演: Jeffrey Lau
Cast演出 :  
Stephen Chow周星馳 , Karen Mok莫文蔚 , Ng Man Tat吳孟達 , and Athena Chu朱茵 , 羅家英

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A Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣 1994

Now back in the days of the original journey to the west, Joker eventually finds the Longevity Monk and his fellow disciples Pigsy and Sandy, who are earlier incarnations of some of Joker’s bandit comrades. Joker does not want to accept his fate as Monkey King, but rather just seeks a way to reclaim Pandora’s box and get back to his own time and find Jingjing. Zixia, however, quickly falls in love with him. Zixia and the Longevity Monk are eventually captured by King Bull....
紫霞与青霞(朱 茵)本是如来佛祖座前日月神灯的灯芯(白天是紫霞,晚上是青霞),二人虽然同一肉身却仇恨颇深,因此紫霞立下誓言,谁能拔出她手中的紫青宝剑,谁就是她的 意中人。紫青宝剑被至尊宝于不经意间拔出,紫霞决定以身相许,却遭一心记挂白晶晶(莫文蔚)的至尊宝拒绝。后牛魔王救下迷失在沙漠中的紫霞,并逼紫霞与他 成婚,关键时刻,至尊宝现身。 

Director导演: Jeffrey Lau
Cast演出 :  
Stephen Chow周星馳 , Karen Mok莫文蔚 , Ng Man Tat吳孟達 , and Athena Chu朱茵 , 羅家英
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